What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a very ancient wisdom that refers to the existence of 9 distinct types of Personality.

The Enneagram explains that when we are born we are Essence and that Essence is the whole of the 9 Personalities. As the child grows and encounters Society and Family, the first Fears arise.

The way in which we understood these fears as children meant that as children we gained a specific motivation to escape these fears. When we create this Motivation we define our Personality.

When we have contact with the Enneagram we will discover that each personality type has its specificities. Everyone has a Fixation, a Passion, a special Virtue, a specific defense mechanism, their own Divine Idea that correspond to a particular Child Wound.

These 9 Personality types are grouped into 3 distinct Intelligence centers.

🚨 The Instinctive Intelligence Center.

🚨 The Emotional Intelligence Center.

🚨 The Center for Rational Intelligence.

What does the Enneagram help with?

- It helps us to identify our motivations and those of others.

- Helps us understand our defects and virtues, as well as those of others.

- It is a map of how we function as a person, how we resolve our shadows and how we can walk towards the light.

⚠️ It can never be used in any way to judge, diminish or mock the motivations of others.

⚠️ It's not a tool to make us feel superior to others, but more humble!

🎯 Teach us to Love, not to Judge!